For Jennifer (Jenny) Arias, entrepreneurship is in her genes. The proud Latina business owner and founder of the pet brand Mejor Amigo learned early on from her parents that hard work and resilience are the keys to success.

“They have always taught me to work hard and never give up,” she told FIERCE. “I have my days when I want to call it quits, but my parents are always there to pick me up and tell me que no me raje.”

And if there’s something crucial in an entrepreneur’s journey, it is precisely that support network — especially if you’re a woman of color betting on your dreams.

Image used with permission from Jenny Arias.

For Jenny, that dream was merging her passion for animals and her culture

Jennifer Arias has a background in social media and a degree from Cal State Fullerton. Her experience in social content creation, working with her Latino community, and being a dog mom inspired her to start a pet supplies brand.

“I’m a huge animal lover, and I also love my culture,” she said. “I decided to put the two together and came up with Mejor Amigo.”

Image courtesy of ouu i love.

And the brand’s name is not just about good marketing

Jenny named her business Mejor Amigo because that’s precisely what her dog, Charlie Murphy, is to her. “I have always struggled with anxiety and even depression,” she confessed. “The moment my dog came into my life, he made a huge difference. He really helps me mentally and emotionally. And I know pets everywhere do the same for other people.”

So, what better way to celebrate this unique kind of love than through a business that can bring dog parents and la cultura together?

Jenny realized there weren’t pet supplies that targeted the Latino community and their furry family members. So she put manos a la obra and even named her dog CEO of Mejor Amigo Pet Supply.

“[Charlie Murphy] was the whole inspiration behind my business,” Jenny said, adding her dog is “more of a Mexican Bulldog than a French Bulldog.”

Image courtesy of Mejor Amigo.

The trials and tribulations of starting a business from scratch

For Jenny Arias, starting Mejor Amigo was not easy. The idea of not having a business background triggered her imposter syndrome. And in the end, that became her main challenge.

“I was learning as I went,” she recounted. “I didn’t know how to manufacture my products or even look for a manufacturer.”

However, with the tenacity that characterizes Latinas everywhere, she didn’t let that stop her.

“I learned everything on my own,” she said, acknowledging the importance of mentorship and advice from family and friends in the business industry.

Image courtesy of ouu i love.

Today, Mejor Amigo offers a wide range of pet products, all infused with la cultura Latina 

Harnesses, leashes, collars, bow ties, and even bandanas… every single Mejor Amigo product is well-thought-out to represent the love for our furry kids and the Latino culture.

Pan dulce, elote, and lotería are only a few cultural symbols displayed in every product. Our favorites? Definitely the pawnadería dog toys!

But making her brilliant ideas come to life was no easy feat. “The fact that I had to learn on my own made me feel like an imposter,” Jenny admits. “It felt almost as if I was playing store.”

Image courtesy of ouu i love.

However, Jenny reminded herself, ‘I’m a MexiCAN; not MexiCAN’T’

Working hard on herself and with the help of family and friends, Jenny Arias broke the mold and created a unique pet brand in the industry.

Mejor Amigo wants to put our Latino culture on the map, and Jenny is determined to make it grow and help animal shelters, non-profits, and the Latino community.

“I also want to lift up my fellow pet industry small businesses in any way I can,” she said. “We are here to support each other.”

And for Latinas out there struggling with imposter syndrome, Jenny has some words of advice.

“Don’t you dare talk yourself out of it,” she said. “Don’t underestimate yourself. You don’t have to attend business school to start your own company. You got this!”