In a world where socio-political barriers often restrict access to reproductive healthcare, two visionary doctors are making a profound difference. Dr. Roopan Gill and Dr. Genevieve Tam, co-founders of Aya Contigo, are transforming how women and gender-diverse individuals access reproductive health support.

Aya Contigo is not just an app. It’s a lifeline for those navigating complex health systems in regions with limited access to care.

As Dr. Gill told FIERCE, “Our backgrounds in obstetrics and gynecology, coupled with our extensive experience in global health, significantly influenced the creation of Aya Contigo.”

Both doctors bring a wealth of experience to their mission. Dr. Gill’s work in emergency obstetric care, including with organizations like Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the World Health Organization (WHO), played a pivotal role in shaping global guidelines.

Dr. Tam’s experience working with Syrian refugees and marginalized communities in Lebanon underscored the urgent need for culturally sensitive resources.


???? En Aya Contigo App te echamos una mano para que encuentres el método anticonceptivo que mejor va contigo. ¡Descarga nuestra app ahora mismo y únete a esta aventura con nosotros! ➡️ Encuentra el enlace en el perfil de nuestras redes. ¿Tienes alguna pregunta? ¡No dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros! Estamos aquí para ayudarte en cada paso del camino. #metodosanticonceptivos #metodoanticonceptivo #descargapp #ayacontigoapp

♬ sonido original – Aya Contigo

Aya Contigo: Overcoming challenges to provide a lifeline

The journey to create Aya Contigo came with its share of challenges. “One significant obstacle was ensuring the app’s security in contexts where abortion is illegal and sensitive information needs to be protected,” Dr. Gill shared.

Protecting users is of utmost importance in regions with heavy restrictions on reproductive health services. The team worked closely with cybersecurity experts and legal professionals. They wanted to ensure Aya Contigo is secure and adaptable to the cultural contexts of the users it serves.

But the rewards have been worth the effort. “Seeing how Aya Contigo has positively impacted users and provided them with a reliable and supportive resource during difficult times has been incredibly fulfilling,” said Dr. Tam.

The app’s success has been profound, especially in Venezuela. There, the humanitarian crisis has made healthcare access nearly impossible for many. Recognition on the global stage, such as at South by Southwest’s (SXSW) Innovation Showcase, has only solidified the app’s importance in addressing reproductive health needs.


???? ¿Estás pasando por un momento complicado y necesitas un hombro en el que apoyarte? ????Sabemos que tomar la decisión de interrumpir un embarazo no deseado es un proceso único y personal, y no siempre es fácil. Es normal sentir muchas emociones, ¡todas válidas! ????Por eso Aya Contigo está aquí para acompañarte en este camino, con comprensión, respeto y apoyo. ✅ Descarga la App de Aya Contigo en Google Play Store o App Store (disponible en Venezuela y Estados Unidos) y encuentra un espacio seguro para procesar tus emociones. ¡No estás sola! #apoyoentremujeres #seraley #acompañamientoseguro #ayacontigoapp #ayacontigo

♬ sonido original – Aya Contigo

Why Venezuela? The power of strategic launches

Launching Aya Contigo in Venezuela was a deliberate and strategic choice. “Venezuela’s challenging legal and socio-economic environment meant that our app had to offer robust, secure support tailored to the specific needs of users facing restricted access to traditional healthcare services,” Dr. Tam explained.

The dire need for reliable reproductive health resources in the face of a humanitarian crisis drove the decision to launch the app in this region.

The app offers users Spanish-first, compassionate, and culturally sensitive support to navigate legal and healthcare barriers. Aya Contigo’s features were specifically tailored to meet the needs of those in Venezuela, where traditional reproductive health services are often inaccessible.

As Dr. Gill pointed out, “We aimed to create a tool that effectively addresses these gaps and makes a meaningful impact.”

How Aya Contigo is breaking barriers for Latinas in the U.S.

Aya Contigo’s reach extends beyond Venezuela, and its impact is being felt across Latina/e communities in the United States. Many Latina/es face significant barriers to accessing reproductive healthcare, including language barriers, cultural stigmas, and limited resources.

As Dr. Tam noted, “Aya Contigo bridges these gaps by offering accurate information and emotional human support in both Spanish and English.”

The app connects users with trained doulas who understand their cultural context, offering personalized, compassionate care that’s sorely needed.

“We’ve seen a significant increase in usage in the U.S., particularly after the implementation of a 6-week abortion ban in Florida, where user engagement spiked by 500% in just one month,” shared Dr. Gill. This surge underscores the critical need for accessible, culturally sensitive reproductive health services for Latina/es, especially in states where reproductive rights are being rolled back.


???????? ¡Las armas tienen más derechos que mis hijas! ???????? ???? Lea Thompson, la actriz de “Back to the Future”, lo dijo con ironía, pero la realidad es brutal: en Estados Unidos, las armas tienen más derechos que las mujeres. ???? Mientras se debate sobre la tenencia de armas, se restringen los derechos reproductivos, dejando a las mujeres vulnerables y sin control sobre sus propios cuerpos. ???? ¿Cómo puede ser que una sociedad priorice la protección de objetos inertes sobre la salud y el bienestar de las mujeres? ???? Es hora de alzar la voz por los derechos reproductivos y de exigir una legislación justa que reconozca a las mujeres como personas con autonomía sobre sus cuerpos. ???? No es una cuestión de política, es una cuestión de derechos humanos. ✊ _ ???????? Guns have more rights than my daughters! ???????? ???? Lea Thompson, the Back to the Future actress, said it ironically, but the reality is brutal: in the United States, guns have more rights than women. ???? Women are left vulnerable and without control over their own bodies while gun ownership is debated and reproductive rights are restricted. ???? How can a society prioritize the protection of inert objects over the health and well-being of women? ????. It’s time to raise our voices for reproductive rights and demand just legislation that recognizes women as people with autonomy over their bodies. ???? It’s not about politics, it’s about human rights. ✊ #AbortionRights #WomenRights #MyBodyMyChoice #USPolitics

♬ sonido original – Aya Contigo

Looking to the future: Expansion and innovation

Aya Contigo’s journey is far from over. As the app continues to grow, its co-founders are excited about expanding their services to other regions facing similar challenges.

“We are excited about expanding Aya Contigo to Guatemala, where we aim to continue our mission of providing vital reproductive health support in regions where access and rights are restricted,” Dr. Tam said.

The upcoming expansion will include features tailored to the specific needs of Guatemalan users. This will continue Aya Contigo’s mission to provide culturally relevant, accessible, and compassionate care.

“Our goal is to continuously evolve and adapt our services to better meet the needs of our users and support their reproductive health journeys effectively,” Dr. Gill added.

With a clear vision for the future and a deep commitment to empowering women and gender-diverse individuals, Aya Contigo is setting a new standard for reproductive healthcare in underserved communities.

For Latinas and beyond, this app is more than just a tool—it’s a trusted companion on their healthcare journey. By donating here, you can help Aya Contigo reach more users.