What was the name of the tea Abuela made when we had a headache? What was the herb mom boiled for when we had a fever? 

Now that we are adults and enjoy our independence, we miss that collection of herbs and teas that our mothers and grandmothers always had in a drawer or in the cupboard.

The fact is, the tradition of our ancestors is still alive today, especially in our women’s kitchens.

That’s why we asked our Mamás and Abuelas which herbs and teas we must always have at home, and we compiled the definitive list to share with you.

You’re welcome!

Chamomile for… well, for almost everything!

In a Latino house, there is always chamomile. The aroma of this flower always takes us back home. According to our Abuelas, chamomile tea relaxes, improves sleep, and soothes heartburn.

By the way, for heartburn, basil is also marvelous

Basil is not only used for cooking. These leaves also serve, according to our Abuelas, for the annoying heartburn. And guess what? It is santo remedio for menstrual cramps!

Our Abuelas always have rosemary in the garden, and rightly so!

Rosemary is one of the aromatic plants that are always in our grandmothers’ gardens. In addition to using it as a seasoning, they swear that rosemary tea helps improve attention and concentration when studying.

Ginger is also a must at home

Ginger is essential, especially when it is winter or flu season. We have always seen how our Abuelas and mothers drink immense amounts of ginger root with lemon and honey in our homes. As if by magic, and with Vick’s Vaporub’s help, our mujeres recover in record time!

Another of our grandmothers’ favorites is yerba buena

According to our Abuelas, Yerba buena and mint are good for indigestion and motion sickness. Likewise, if you are thinking of giving up coffee, yerba buena tea is a great substitute.

For that uncomfortable time of the month, Abuelas recommend rue

Forget about the pain that week of the month. Our grandmothers swear that a tea of rue will take away your period pain.

For when you overeat spicy food

You indulged in a cheat meal, and your stomach is complaining? Don’t worry; pennyroyal tea will soothe all your aches and pains.

And if the problem is anxiety, our grandmothers also have the solution

lavender and passionflower tea will help you fall asleep and calm your nerves, no matter what you’re going through. And if our Abuelas say so, it must be true!

Did we forget any herbs? Leave them in the comments!