The last week of the year is upon us, and with it comes our desire to be over and done with it. Moreover, we look forward to welcoming 2024 in our pajamas and eating our favorite Latino holiday treats guilt-free.

After all the mercuries retrogrades, rampant inflation, and the world falling apart, eating a churro con chocolate or an empanada isn’t going to change much, is it?

Now, seriously speaking, who invented the guilt of eating at Christmas? That person surely didn’t have to survive a Latino family meal, nor the existential doubt of whether I should launch my own business next year or continue living paycheck-to-paycheck.

And while sugar and calories aren’t going to give me the winning lottery numbers, they will surely give me the serotonin boost I so desperately need to start 2024. 

So grab a dessert fork and get ready to dig in because you f***ing deserve it!

Tres Leches Cake is definitely a staple

Let’s kick this indulgence party off with a classic that needs no introduction — Tres Leches Cake. This moist sponge cake soaked in three different milks is like a dessert symphony in your mouth. It’s the kind of treat that’ll make you blissfully forget about counting calories. 

Transform the classic Tres Leches into a guilt-free pleasure by using coconut or almond milk and opting for a sugar substitute.

Aguacate Chocolate Mousse:

Avocado lovers, rejoice! Blend ripe avocados with cocoa powder and a touch of honey for a creamy and indulgent chocolate mousse high in healthy fats.


Avocado Chocolate Mousse!????????? My toddler LOVES chocolate mousse, and avocados. So when we saw this recipe, we knew we HAD to try it! And, believe it or not, it was delicious!???? ???? INGREDIENTS – 2 ripe avocados – 1/4 cup cocoa powder – 1/4 cup pure maple syrup – 1/4 cup chocolate chips, melted – 3-4 tbsp milk of choice – 1/2 tsp vanilla extract – 1/8 tsp salt ???? METHOD 1. In a blender or food processor, combine all of the ingredients until completely smooth. 2. Chill in the fridge. Enjoy! Recipe credit: @chocolatecoveredkatie ???? More over on my Instagram- visit the link on my page! #healthydessert #healthydesserts #chocolatemousse #avocado healthy dessert, healthy dessert recipes, easy recipes, chocolate

♬ original sound – Annie

Did anyone say Cuban Flan?

Prepare to be whisked away to flantastic flavor town (yes, we actually wrote that), where creamy custard meets a luscious caramel sauce. Cuban Flan is the ultimate guilt-free indulgence that’ll have you saying, “I’m living my best dessert life.” With every seductive spoonful, you’ll experience a moment of pure indulgence that’ll leave you craving more.

Give traditional Flan a healthy twist by using low-fat milk and cutting back on the sugar. Abuela’s secret touch remains intact, but now you can savor this creamy delight guilt-free.


We’re having a full on Cuban feast tomorrow night! Testing out a new recipe for #flan #ketoflan #dairyfree #foodtok

♬ El Burrito Sabanero – Villancicos de Navidad y Canciones de Navidad

No puede faltar el Arroz con Leche

Close your eyes and imagine a velvety blend of rice, milk, and just a hint of cinnamon. That’s the magic of Arroz con Leche, a comforting treat that’ll make you say, “Who needs self-control anyway?” This creamy rice pudding is pure nostalgia in a bowl, bringing back cozy memories of Abuelita’s cooking.

Put a nutritious spin on the classic arroz con leche by incorporating chia seeds. This guilt-free treat is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and will satisfy your sweet tooth.


Arroz con Leche DE CHÍA. 30G De pura PROTEÍNA. ………………… ¿Eres fan del arroz con leche, pero quieres bajar de peso? Aquí te dejo una excelente opción para disfrutar como desayuno, pre o post entreno, o simplemente como postre! Me vas a amar. ………………… Ingredientes: 1 Taza de crema para batir Lyncott 1 Taza de leche de Coco o Almendra sin azúcar 1 Rama de canela 1 Pedazo de cascara de limón (sin lo blanco) 1 cucharadita de vainilla Monk fruit o stevia al gusto Una pizca de sal rosa del himalaya ¼ De taza de coco rallado sin azúcar (opcional) 1 scoop de proteína sin carbohidratos. Canela molida para decorar por encima Puede decorarse también con arándanos frescos, nuez o algún otro elemento decorativo …………………. Instrucciones: 1.En una olla pequeña a fuego medio, se vierte la la leche, la rama de canela, la sal, la vainilla y el pedacito de cáscara de limón. Se deja que hierva por espacio de 5 minutos revisando que no se derrame, esto es para que se impregnen los sabores. 2.Enseguida agregamos la crema para batir, endulzante al gusto y la vainilla se deja reducir un poco hasta que tome una consistencia mejor. Ya que todo esta integrado, se retira la canela y la cáscara de limón, se apaga el fuego y se le agrega la chía y la proteína . Se deja enfriar para que la chía tome su consistencia y se vacía en un vaso o recipiente para llevar a refrigerar. 3.Una vez frío, se sirve y se espolvorea con canela por encima o algún ingrediente decorativo. ¡Y A DISFRUTAR! ……………………. #coaching #lowcarblifestyle #fit #medicinapreventiva#nosugar #habitos  #cirugiabariatrica #cirugiaplastica #ayunointermitente #nutricion #alimentacionfuncional #insulina #ovariopoliquistico #transformación #sinazucar

♬ sonido original – Mayte Rendón

Nothing says ‘holiday treat’ like Pastelitos de Guayaba

These flaky pastry pockets filled with sweet guava are about to rock your world. Pastelitos de Guayaba are an irresistible treat that proves life is too short for boring desserts. Take a bite of this heavenly combination of crunchy pastry and gooey guava, and let your taste buds dance away any feeling of guilt.

Opt for whole wheat or alternative flours for the dough, and enjoy the perfect blend of sweetness and warmth.

What about some healthy Alfajores?

Put a nutritious spin on the classic alfajores by opting for whole-grain or almond flour for the cookies. Fill them with a layer of homemade sugar-free dulce de leche for a guilt-free delight.

A jicama fruit salad with tajín is also delicious

Create a refreshing and guilt-free fruit salad using jicama as the base. Sprinkle it generously with Tajín seasoning for a zesty kick that elevates the flavors without compromising on health.

Baked plantain chips with cilantro lime dip are ideal for rewatching ‘Love Actually’ for the eleventh time

Say goodbye to fried snacks and hello to guilt-free indulgence with baked plantain chips. Pair them with a zesty cilantro lime dip for a satisfying crunch that won’t leave you feeling weighed down.