Spot the Red Flags in Your Relationship! ❤️
Answer the questions below honestly about your current or most recent relationship. We'll keep track of how many Red Flags you collect as you go.
At the end, check out what your total says about your love life!
At the end, check out what your total says about your love life!

Let's get started!
image: Televisa
Does your partner consistently criticize or undermine your decisions?
Yes, often.
1 Red Flag
1 Red Flag
Sometimes, but they apologize.
0.5 Red Flag
0.5 Red Flag
No, they support me.
0 Red Flags
0 Red Flags
Has your partner ever snooped through your phone or private messages without permission?
Yes, more than once.
1 Red Flag
1 Red Flag
Once, but they admitted it was wrong.
0.5 Red Flag
0.5 Red Flag
Never, we trust each other.
0 Red Flags
0 Red Flags
Does your partner respect your boundaries when you need personal space?
No, they get upset or guilt-trip me.
1 Red Flag
1 Red Flag
Sometimes, but they try to improve.
0.5 Red Flag
0.5 Red Flag
Always, they understand my needs.
0 Red Flags
0 Red Flags
Have they ever used guilt or manipulation to get their way?
Yes, frequently.
1 Red Flag
1 Red Flag
Occasionally, but they seem unaware.
0.5 Red Flag
0.5 Red Flag
No, they communicate openly and respectfully.
0 Red Flags
0 Red Flags
Does your partner have control over your finances or spending?
Yes, they insist on managing everything.
1 Red Flag
1 Red Flag
We manage finances together, but they have stronger opinions.
0.5 Red Flag
0.5 Red Flag
No, we respect each other’s independence.
0 Red Flags
0 Red Flags
Does your partner display possessive or jealous tendencies?
Yes, they try to control who I talk to or where I go.
1 Red Flag
1 Red Flag
Occasionally, but they’re working on it.
0.5 Red Flag
0.5 Red Flag
No, they trust me completely.
0 Red Flags
0 Red Flags
Have you noticed signs of “love bombing” early in the relationship (over-the-top compliments, rushing commitment)?
Yes, it was intense.
1 Red Flag
1 Red Flag
Maybe a little, but it felt genuine.
0.5 Red Flag
0.5 Red Flag
No, everything progressed naturally.
0 Red Flags
0 Red Flags
How does your partner respond during conflicts?
They yell, blame, or refuse to talk.
1 Red Flag
1 Red Flag
They get defensive but cool down.
0.5 Red Flag
0.5 Red Flag
They listen and work towards resolution.
0 Red Flags
0 Red Flags
Does your partner support your personal goals and dreams?
No, they dismiss or belittle my ambitions.
1 Red Flag
1 Red Flag
Sometimes, but not consistently.
0.5 Red Flag
0.5 Red Flag
Yes, they’re my biggest cheerleader!
0 Red Flags
0 Red Flags
Are you able to express your true self around your partner?
No, I feel judged or afraid.
1 Red Flag
1 Red Flag
Sometimes, but I hold back occasionally.
0.5 Red Flag
0.5 Red Flag
Yes, I feel safe and valued.
0 Red Flags
0 Red Flags
Leave Him and Change States!
Your safety and well-being come first. Consider reaching out to trusted friends, family, or a counselor. You deserve love that uplifts, not drains you.
Try Again
You Could Do Better.
Some warning signs need addressing. We recommend professional guidance from a therapist or a coach. Remember, sometimes we need an unbiased outsider’s perspective to understand what is actually happening in our relationship.
Try Again