FIERCE was created to amplify the stories of Latinas and women of color that are often kept out of mainstream media. One of our proudest pillars has been Jefas. The FIERCE team has been so inspired and overjoyed by the hustle and heart Latinas pour into their businesses. After countless features, we’re incredibly honored to present the candidates for the first FIERCE Jefas on the Rise Awards.

Below are the candidates that span across five categories: Business, Entertainment, Health & Wellness, Lifestyle and STEM. You can vote as many times for the Jefa that you connect with most. Head over to our Jefas Awards hub If you want to know more about their powerful stories that we are sure will move you! Stay tuned for the winners to be announced on September 18th.

This form is currently closed for submissions.

Women that celebrate women! That is what these awards are all about. Submit your vote before September 10th, 11:59 PM PST.